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  • 16 Feb 2024 9:18 AM | Anonymous member

    Beyond Prospecting: The Apra Podcast - Thought-provoking conversations on prospect development are a click away. Simply search for "Apra Podcast" for the most recent podcast on iTunes or SoundCloud.

    Beyond Prospecting: The Apra Podcast features interviews from the industry's foremost experts on prospect development and fundraising. Tune in for thought-provoking conversations on topics like prospect research, data science, campaigns, relationship management, ethics in fundraising and more. All podcast episodes are available on both iTunes and SoundCloud

  • 7 Jun 2023 8:28 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Thanks to APRA Wisconsin’s Amy Disch Memorial scholarship, I was able to take a professional development course at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee’s School of Continuing Education.  Many of the sessions, like the one I attended, are held just one day and the cost of the class was covered by the scholarship funds.  They have in-person and live virtual sessions to offer.  Link here.

    The University of Wisconsin Milwaukee School of Continuing Education offers many classes, programs and certificates for professional development, accreditation and learning.  I took the Excel II class, as I feel somewhat proficient in Excel, but wanted to learn more and sharpen my skills.  They offer three Excel classes at different levels based on experience and are held for typically 8 hours in one day either in-person at their downtown Milwaukee office or live online through Zoom.  Since my Excel skills were learned post-college and through experience alone, I was happy to be able to take an official course to learn more and refine my skills.

    The class I attended taught us to create and manage spreadsheets to manipulate data sets using formulas, such as conditional formatting and pivot tables.  We also learned different configurations, add-ins, specialized functioning, advanced sorting and data slicers.  In addition to the class itself, you get a really nice soft cover book outlining in great detail everything you learned in class.  I found this book super helpful as it went through exactly what we learned and I could take notes as we practiced our data functions.  The class is lead by an instructor and you get to practice and test out the material with time to ask questions as you go.  I highly recommend taking any of the Excel classes if you want to learn more about functionality, formulas and shortcuts (there were many I did not know!) to sharpen or advance your data skills.  The class was affordable, easy to sign up and attendance was well worth it.  I will most likely take Excel III in the future to learn more ways to use data in my everyday work more efficiently. 

    I would highly recommend any class at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee School of Continuing Education.  From an advancement/research perspective, there are many beneficial classes, programs and certificates offered.  In particular, the school offers a certificate in non-profit management, very similar to graduate programs offered at the university level, but this one is much cheaper, easier to access and can be completed without having to apply to graduate school.  The certificate is 14 courses, many offered nights and weekends, and each course can be completed in a few days rather than an entire semester.  It is affordable and applies real-life case studies to many different facets of non-profit work including leadership, strategic planning, employee management and fundraising. 

    Other certificates to note for prospect research/advancement professionals to note:

    • Python

    • New Manager/Supervisor

    • Data Analysis

    • Digital Marketing

    • Grant Writing

    • Project Management

    • Emerging Leaders

    Thank you to APRA Wisconsin for the award and the scholarship funds to allow me to attend this class and learn new skills.  In addition, thank you to the APRA Wisconsin nomination committee and all of you who work tirelessly to help our chapter members advance our careers.  Remember to nominate an APRA Wisconsin member next year and they may be able to receive a professional development scholarship like I did! 


    Written by Erin Olson. 

  • 2 Jun 2022 12:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Thanks to Apra-WI’s Amy Disch Memorial scholarship, I was able to attend NEDRAcon 2022, a conference held by the New England Chapter of Apra (NEDRA). The conference was virtual, which allowed the scholarship to cover all the costs of my attendance. Here are a few highlights of my experience:

    • Keynote – A fascinating talk by Michael “Mike” Norton, Harold M. Brierley Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School and co-author of Happy Money: The Science of Happier Spending
    • The major finding of his research is that spending money on others typically generates more happiness than spending money on yourself, across different countries, situations, and demographics.
    • Another interesting discovery was that people are more likely to give multiple gifts if presented with the opportunity to complete a “set,” which his team named “pseudo-set framing.” For instance, if a person is asked to make a charitable donation with a purchase and they’re shown that their gift is a quarter of a circle, they’re more likely to make additional donations to complete the circle than if the gift is treated like a one-off.
    • People also feel better and more invested in a company’s philanthropy if they are presented with an option to buy in. For instance, XYZ company donates $5,000 to charity normally, and they let their customers know that via an email. The customers will see that email and disregard it. Similarly, if XYZ company sends an email to a customer saying that they have a $10 off their next purchase, the customer will use or not use that $10 without feeling particularly invested. However, if the company sends their customers a notice that they can give $10 to a charity of their choice – money that the company was already planning to give to charity – customers are more likely to view that company well AND come back to the store to make another purchase. 
    • Collaborating for Success: A Frontline Fundraiser Panel – A diverse panel of frontline fundraisers discussed ways that prospect development and frontline staff can best work together to ensure a motivating environment and maximum fundraising success
    • Overall, the panel stressed how much they value their relationship with their respective research teams. 
    • On the topic of essential information in a briefing, the panelists emphasized brevity and conciseness when it came to meeting new prospects. Less information made initial conversations flow more naturally. In contrast, having thorough information for meetings with leadership was crucial.
    • When asked which was more important – speed or accuracy? – the panelists indicated the importance of speed and accuracy, but perhaps with fewer details.
    • At the end of the panel, the advice for researchers was: behind-the-scenes research is very important and open lines of communication are critical.
    • Change America through Powerful Prospect ResearchArmando Zumaya, founder of Somos El Poder, gave an inspiring presentation about how prospect research can help the national movement for racial justice in the United States
    • He defined “true equity” as having a token-free board with major donors of color, a major gifts portfolio that looks like your community, diversity in donors, programs that reach all communities and are known by them, and diversity in staff and leadership. 
    • To achieve this, he asked the group to answer a few questions:
      • Does your board of directors match your community? Your alumni?
      • Do your major donors look like your alumni and community?
      • Do you have an intentional effort to diversify your donors?
      • Do you have an intentional effort to diversity your major donors?
    • He identified barriers to achieving those goals:
      • A tendency to recruit and fundraise from those we know
      • Implicit bias
      • Victimizing people of color (versus recognizing their agency)
      • A lack of intentionality
    • Offering multilingual materials, doing prospect research of key industries, identifying affinity groups, approaching standing institutions, and recruiting spokespeople within communities are all methods to help move towards true equity.
    • Prospect & Processes: Streamlining International Research – The Prospect Identification team at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) in New York re-evaluated how international prospects were reviewed
    • MSK recognized that their process for researching international prospects was:
      • Time-consuming (researchers were spending 1-8 hours on each prospect)
      • Not leading to actionable information, like capacity
    • Using the process of Kata, they developed a new system of classifying prospects into three capacity buckets:
      • Not enough information, used when:
        • The prospect cannot be identified
        • No wealth indicators are found
        • Not possible to determine share in family wealth
    • Suspected capacity of at least $1M, used when:
      • There are significant qualitative wealth indicators (exclusive residence, art collection, yacht)
      • The prospect is a member of UHNW family with access to funds
      • The prospect is an old wealth figure
      • Large-scale giving can be found, even with no gift amount
    • Suspected capacity <$1M, used when:
      • Wealth indicators or career point to less capacity
      • Available giving history is at the major gift or leadership gift levels
      • The prospect only gives in their own country
    • They also set time limits per prospect, based on the information available for various countries (e.g., 1 hour for prospects based in Hong Kong since company finances and rich lists are sometimes available).
    • Overall, the process meant that the team had shifted from looking for all-available information to looking for enough information to assign. It did not eliminate the complexities of international research but helped to manage them.
    • The MSK team also shared a list of international resources that I’m happy to share with anyone who is interested.

    There were also several other helpful sessions, including roundtables, a networking event, and presentations by vendors. I would strongly recommend going to NEDRAcon to my fellow Apra-WI members, and I appreciate being given the opportunity to attend. Thank you, Apra-WI!


    Written by Tesha Pittenger. 

  • 1 Jun 2022 12:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I recently attended the virtual 2022 Apra Midwest Spring Conference. Overall, I thought the entire event was well done and a perfect option for me, since my organization has a very limited professional development budget. The conference cost $50 for 2 half-days of live presentations and  took place on Thursday and Friday afternoons. The conference began with a keynote session from Randall Hallett, CEO & Founder of Hallett PhilanthropyHis presentation was geared toward reducing portfolio sizes to focus on the prospect most likely to give this year (and yes, he did mention the study at Northwestern University with David Lively). His presentation was energetic and full of descriptive data points, though I'd heard most his pitch before (i.e., smaller portfolios, lessen focus on wealth-screening and look more at engagement, etc.) 

    After the keynote, participants were given a short break and offered two break-out sessions to choose from; I chose to attend a presentation on building your own engagement scores by Karl Schindel, Associate Director of Data Analytics and Integrity at Iowa State University Foundation. Karl shared their experience on finding the right criteria (14 separate data points) to include in creating this score and the right population (everyone, regardless of giving history) to use. He even provided a basic spreadsheet template of their formulas. I found this very helpful because there was a tangible take-away to get started on my own. (I'm happy to share this spreadsheet with anyone who is interested in using it!)

    The other break-out session I attended that day was actually led by our former Apra-WI president, Sarah Bernstein, along with Sarah Price of BWF. They discussed how verification of major giving qualification is important and how to organize and add efficiency to your verification process. I particularly appreciated their "Review and Code" method to get through a lot of prospects quickly and save time on large groups of prospects (i.e., a large group of a new class of students' parents). This may be a fairly common practice for most of you already, but again, for a newer researcher and for someone who works in a small shop, this is a great strategy!

    The next day started with a DEI panel of experts, including Steve Grimes, Associate Director, Data Insights at Helen Brown Group. The panel was very engaged and transparent in how they were implementing a DEI culture and how they were working toward bringing in a more diverse population of donors to their respective organizations.

    My favorite presentation, though, was probably the last one I attended on Friday, "Flummoxed by Farmland?," presented by Sam Edge, prospect development analyst at Mayo Clinic. (I reached out to Sam after the presentation with a scenario to see if I followed his guidelines correctly, and he was very willing to share insights.) I was eager to attend this session because for the first time in my career, most of the donors to my organization (Indiana 4-H Foundation) are farmers or live in rural Indiana. The presentation discussed valuing farmland and how to look up annual farmland values by acreage. Typically, one of the larger (state) university's extension office has this information. (In my world, it's Purdue Extension in Indiana.) I learned how to identify rural addresses (e.g., 330 E 100 N or 18701 121st St) and also that wealth-screening tools might miss farmland valuations entirely, often looking only at the home value. Farmland can be owned or rented (usually a conversation for the gift officer to get more information). The value of the land may be based on market value or "productivity" - Sam went into a very detailed explanation of a case study on a property in Iowa. Again, these productivity values are often determined by state ag agencies (Wisconsin's information might be here: https://extension.wisc.edu/agriculture/). Another resource to consider is the website "AcreValue" which you can get a paid subscription to, but there are some free searches you can do as well to get a rough idea of what the land is worth (usually by county). At the very least, it's chance to look twice at some of your donors and prospects living in the country!

    Overall, it was a fantastic learning opportunity. (And I credit Apra-WI for cluing me into this in their newsletter!)


    Written by Anitra Hovelson. 

  • 16 Mar 2022 9:33 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Reggie Jackson is a Griot at the America's Black Holocaust Museum (https://www.abhmuseum.org/), located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, an organization whose mission builds public awareness of the harmful legacies of slavery and Jim Crow in America and promotes racial repair, reconciliation, and healing.

    The Talk: The Hidden Impact of Segregation

    Residential segregation did not happen by accident – and it has many damaging ramifications for our communities’ and country’s well-being. This talk uncovers the little known political, economic, and social forces that created and maintain residential segregation locally and nationally. In a lecture that is both data-based and surprisingly engaging, Reggie Jackson illuminates the roles of federal and local governments, the real estate industry, and a de- industrializing economy in creating this situation.

    Register here. The Zoom link will be sent to registrants closer to the event.

    Let’s learn more about Reggie, his position and America’s Black Holocaust Museum. 

    What is a Griot?  

    "Griot" (pronounced GREE-oh) is the French name given to the oral historians of West Africa. Traditionally griots travel from city to city and village to village as living newspapers, carrying in their heads an incredible store of local history and current events. They pass on their knowledge of history by singing traditional songs, which they must recite accurately, without errors or deviations. Like rappers, they also make up songs as they go to share current events, gossip, political commentary and satire.

    Being a griot is often an inherited position, and griots generally marry other griots. There are still many practicing griots in West Africa today. Most often they accompany themselves on the kora, a 21-string harp made from half of a large gourd covered with animal skin. The strings, made of gut or fishing line, are plucked with the fingers. Griots may also play other traditional and modern instruments and are often very accomplished musicians.

    At America’s Black Holocaust Museum (ABHM) we call our online exhibit curators and our museum docents "griots," because they tell our history. Griots have always been part of ABHM. At our onsite museum, we train volunteer griots to show groups around our exhibits. They answer questions and facilitate discussion to help visitors make sense of what they see and feel. For our online museum, scholars from around the world serve as griots, researching and writing the exhibits.

    What is America’s Black Holocaust Museum?

    ABHM is a museum dedicated to both history and ongoing commemoration. History museums study, exhibit, and interpret objects of historical value. Memorial museums are dedicated to contextualizing and commemorating past events of mass suffering.

    What Inspired the Museum's Founder?

    Dr. James Cameron, a lynching survivor and early civil right pioneer, was inspired to create ABHM when he visited the Yad VaShem Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem in 1979. He admired the Jewish insistence on the preventive importance of keeping the memory of mass atrocity alive in the world’s conscience. He also saw many similarities between the Jews’ terrible suffering and that of African Americans during enslavement and the Jim Crow era that followed.

    Cameron had faith in the moral framework of liberty and justice for all embodied in our country's founding documents. He believed that, once enough white Americans were exposed to an accurate account and actual nature of the black American experience, they would oppose racial injustice and help the nation achieve its ideals.

    How Does ABHM Open Minds and Hearts?

    In 1988 Dr. Cameron opened his museum about the black holocaust in America. Personal stories are often the foundation of memorial museums. When Dr. Cameron told his own story as a lynching survivor, it opened visitors’ hearts and minds to the deeper significance of ABHM’s exhibits, such as a fetid cargo hold of a slaving ship and the hooded gowns of the Ku Klux Klan.

    America’s Black Holocaust Museum invites citizens of the United States and the world to learn and grow together. The museum shares stories that advance visitors' understanding of our country’s troubled racial past, share strategies for acknowledging and repairing racial trauma, and help our nation move into a more just and peaceful future.

    ABHM just reopened its physical location in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. ABHM's new galleries are located on the very footprint of our first building in Milwaukee's Bronzeville neighborhood. On the ground floor of the new Griot Building, the new galleries take visitors on a chronological journey through the Black Holocaust from 1619 to the present. In addition, ABHM hosts an online museum featuring hundreds of exhibits, accessible anytime, across the world.  To learn more through the online museum go to: https://www.abhmuseum.org/galleries/

    Follow ABHM’s Breaking News content to learn more about Black history in the Making!

    ABHM regularly brings you current news and culture as reported in the Black press and by predominantly African American journalists in the mainstream press.  Why cover current events in a history museum? Because the past is still present. 

    As James Baldwin put it, “The great force of history comes from the fact that we carry it within us, are unconsciously controlled by it in many ways, and history is literally present in all that we do.”

    To learn more about Black history in the making through curated breaking news content go to: https://www.abhmuseum.org/breaking-news/

    We look forward to hosting Reggie and hope you can join us. 


    Information from America’s Black Holocaust Museum, compiled by Erin Olson.
  • 1 Dec 2021 9:47 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Board, especially the Bylaws Committee, has been hard at work reviewing and updating the chapter's bylaws. In order to amend the bylaws, we need a majority of the membership to approve them.

    You can view the new version here. The previous version is here. A couple of the changes to note include updating board roles and titles, and changing the dates of the board terms to run 1/1-12/31, matching the chapter's fiscal year.

    Once you review the documents, please vote: https://forms.gle/3bA4tMMsQu3tirp88

  • 20 Sep 2021 5:44 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Greetings, Apra Wisconsin members - 

    We are pleased to open the nomination and application period for the Amy Disch Memorial Scholarship, and Presidents Award. The chapter’s Professional Development scholarship was awarded to Alyssa Scott earlier this year.

    To submit a nomination or application, please email the necessary material to Apra Wisconsin Vice President, Julie Nurse (julie.nurse@marquette.edu), by October 22, 2021. All applications will then be reviewed by the scholarship committee. Apra Wisconsin membership will be notified of the recipients at our 2021 business meeting.

    It’s a joy and honor to recognize the good work of our peers.

    The Apra Wisconsin Scholarship Committee

    Julie Nurse, Marquette University
    Tesha Pittenger, Wisconsin Foundation & Alumni Association
    Devin Venden, Wisconsin Foundation & Alumni Association


    Amy Disch Memorial Scholarship

    Award Criteria:

    • The person receiving this award will have worked in prospect development for three years or less.
    • Active Apra Wisconsin member.

    About the Award:

    • The award will cover the cost of one year of chapter membership and the cost of attendance at Apra Wisconsin’s two annual conferences. With consideration to the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2021 we will be awarding $250 toward the development opportunity of the recipient’s choice.
    • The award will be presented annually.
    • The recipient list will be posted on the Apra Wisconsin website.

    Application Process:

    To apply for the Amy Disch Memorial Scholarship, send an email with your application to Apra Wisconsin Vice President, Julie Nurse (julie.nurse@marquette.edu), by October 22. Your application does not have to be in any specific format, but it should talk about your prospect development experience and the impact this award would have on you and your organization.

    Apra Wisconsin Presidents Award

    Award Criteria:

    • Active Apra Wisconsin Member.
    • Awarded to someone who has inspired and motivated others this year, and whose unconquerable spirit has had a positive impact on our chapter and our profession.
    • The person receiving this award displays exceptional volunteerism and leadership in the chapter and/or in our profession.

    About the Award:

    • Throughout the year, this person will serve as a mentor and/or trainer to new researchers.
    • A small plaque will be presented to the recipient, and a $100 donation will be made in the recipient’s name to a charity of their choice. Both their manager and the charity will be sent a letter from the chapter president notifying them of the recipient’s honor.
    • The award will be presented annually.
    • The recipient list will be posted on the Apra Wisconsin website.

    Application Process:

    To submit a nomination, send an email to Apra Wisconsin Vice President, Julie Nurse (julie.nurse@marquette.edu) by October 22. Your nomination does not have to be in any specific format, but it should tell the story of why you think the person you are nominating (and, yes, you can nominate yourself) is worthy of the award.

    Go here to see previous award winners and more information about all of the chapter's scholarships and awards.

  • 23 Jun 2021 5:16 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Apra Wisconsin will be hosting a summer event with the following agenda for the morning and additional information about Kevin's presentation:

    10:00 a.m. Welcome/Intro

    10:05 a.m. Kevin MacDonnell: Good Tools

    Advancement professionals work in complex environments and enjoy a lot of autonomy in how they manage their time and projects. Good tools are essential. In this session, Kevin MacDonell will describe how using a simple notebook can help us be better leaders, managers, and professionals. His adaptation of the famous Bullet Journal method involves more than just taking good notes; it’s about accessing the captured content of our days in a progressive, creative way.

    11:00 a.m. Networking

    11:30 a.m. Apra business meeting (Optional)

    Noon Adjourn

    Kevin MacDonnell, Executive Director, Dalhousie University

    As Executive Director, Advancement Operations for the Advancement Department of Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Kevin entered higher education advancement in 2003 as a communications writer and later moved on to prospect research, annual giving, and business intelligence. While pursuing an interest in data analysis, data mining and predictive modeling, he launched the CoolData blog (cooldata.org) in 2009, focused on learning predictive modeling techniques for professionals working in advancement and nonprofits. He has presented widely and is co-author (with consultant Peter Wylie) of a book published by CASE called Score! Data-Driven Success for Your Advancement Team. His new blog, CoolOps.blog, focuses on Advancement Services as a strategic partner in support of the institutional mission.

  • 24 Jan 2020 4:16 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Apra Wisconsin has joined with Apra Illinois, Apra Indiana, and Apra Michigan to host a regional conference October 15-16, 2020 in Chicago. The Programming Committee is currently accepting proposals and registration will open in early summer. For more information, go to the conference website: www.apragreatlakes.weebly.com. Follow along on social through @APRA_GreatLakes on Twitter and ApraGreatLakes on Facebook.

    We look forward to seeing you there!

  • 28 Oct 2019 5:13 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Last week I attended the 20th anniversary of “bbcon” (Blackbaud conference) in Nashville, TN, in part thanks to Apra Wisconsin’s scholarship award. The third photo is of the main stage ballroom that was used for several all-attendee presentations; a recent press release stated there were over 3,000 people present. Though I attended bbcon few years ago in Baltimore, MD, while working for a small, private college, this year I focused on different sessions in the healthcare vertical.

    I now work for a healthcare system and was able to connect with a few other UnityPoint Health affiliate foundation database administrators (DBAs) from Iowa and Illinois. We don’t get to meet in person very often, so that was a valuable touch-point with these colleagues. I also worked on my business-card collection, from vendors and consultants to other researchers and DBAs in organizations across the country (and Canada!) I sincerely appreciated the opportunity to chat with other individuals from organizations, large and small, with similar challenges with regard to their work. The ability to share and listen was supremely therapeutic.

    Some of the sessions I attended that stood out for me (both as a researcher and as a DBA) included:

    ·         “The Impact of Donors Following Tax Reform” – The presenters, Jason Lee (Association of Fundraising Professionals) and Sally Ehrenfried (Blackbaud), shared some interesting statistics and projections regarding how tax reform may be affecting donor behavior nationally. One such stat from Giving USA was “people who itemized provided 82% of total giving in 2016” (i.e., before the reform passed). Significant decreases were projected by the presenters going into 2020. They recommended using the IRS tax withholding estimator to help your donors see the potential benefits of their donation(s), though they also shared that most people do not give for the tax break – they give because they care about the cause. They also discussed some universal charitable deduction legislation that’s been introduced in Congress in the last few years, which has some bipartisan support. An interesting session, and an issue to watch in the coming year.

    ·         “Data Ethics in the Age of AI” – This early-morning, standing-room-only session was given by two Blackbaud employees, Carrie Cobb and Cameron Stoll. The two speakers referred to their approach to this topic as “good cop/bad cop,” as they tried to tackle the questions of: “Can I track this data?” and “Should I track this data… and how will it be used?” They shared the ODI (Open Data Institute) Data Ethics Canvas and encouraged all of us to use it to guide project-planning and decision-making. GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) was discussed a bit and reminded us all that it’s only a matter of time before the United States adopts similar data protection laws. I took away from this session that my organization needs to review our “opt-out” provisions on all communications, as well as consider the “creepy scale” when data collecting (i.e., How creepy is it that I know your dog’s name because of the 5 minutes of research I did online?).

    ·         “What We All Need to Know about Nonprofit Audited Financials” – A sarcastic, savvy CPA from New York speedily presented on this topic, geared toward funders/foundations GIVING money. I first thought, “Maybe I’m not supposed to be here and should attend something else?” but very quickly realized this was valuable information for a researcher. Though we did not touch the hallowed 990 tax form, he did emphasize its importance in sizing up a nonprofit’s financial stability. I learned that providing a “management report” with your audited financial is good practice and more funders will be asking for this, as it is the narrative accompanying the figures; also, good to check the data of the audited financials against that report to see if they were completed at the same time. He also said that if an organization can demonstrate at least three months of cash reserves, they are showing the beginnings of good fiscal health (along with a line of credit; good to get it when you don’t need it).

    ·         “Research for the Non-Researcher” – Liz Turcotte (Blackbaud) began the presentation by asking for a quick show-of-hands and unveiled the wide variety of roles in the audience (e.g., development directors/leaders, researchers, other development professionals, and DBAs.). She went over the basics of research and did a decent job of explaining to non-researchers in the room that approximately 20-40% of a person’s assets are publicly available in the U.S. She also said a reasonable amount of time to spend validating a wealth screen on a new prospect is 20 minutes – as many of us know this varies quite a bit from prospect to prospect. Staff-bandwidth, the importance of having the prospect’s last name, and a valid home address, and good data management were all shared. All said, I was glad this session was offered, and was well-attended, to bridge that gap of understanding between researchers and the fundraisers they support.

    I’m very glad I attended this conference and did come away with increased understanding and confidence in the work I do. There were hundreds of sessions going over the course of three days and I wished there had been new technology to be in more places than one. The Apra WI scholarship is an incredible opportunity for professional development and national networking. I am so grateful to the committee for choosing me this year!

    — Anitra Hovelson, 2019 Apra Wisconsin Scholarship Recipient

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Apra Wisconsin is the local chapter of Apra International for prospect development professionals living and working in Wisconsin. View our bylaws here.

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